A variable IRA deposit account earns high competitive rates. You can contribute to a Variable IRA in a lump sum, through payroll deduction or regular payments throughout the year. A long term, low risk alternative is our IRA Certificates of Deposit. Various terms and rates are available to meet your financial needs. You can commit all of your investment to one or split your IRA funds between our long or short-term options. These plans provide the means for you to direct your own retirement program to achieve your immediate or long-term savings goals.

Roth IRA
The Roth IRA allows you to withdraw your earnings with no IRS penalties if the IRA has met the five- year waiting period and the distribution is qualified. There is no requirement for withdrawals on this account. Simply let your money grow tax-free for as long as you like. For more information about Roth IRA's check out our electronic brochures:

Traditional IRA
Contributions may be tax deductible and your earnings grow tax deferred allowing you to save quickly for retirement. Withdrawals are permitted at age 59.5 with IRS tax penalties and are required at age 70.5. For more information about Traditional IRA's check out our electronic brochures:

Coverdell Education IRA
Be prepared for college and beyond by investing up to $2,000 for each child under age 18. Though the contribution is not tax deductible, the benefit comes when you remove the money. If it is used for qualified education expenses - you pay no taxes on it. For more information about Coverdell Education IRA's check out our electronic brochures:

Transfers, Rollovers, and Conversion
There are many reasons for moving your retirement assets to another retirement savings account. Perhaps you've left a job, your financial circumstances have changed, or looking for ways to better maximize your retirement savings. For more information on transferring retirement savings, check out our electronic brochure: